Web 3.0 and Zoho Technologies

There has been a lot of discussions and engagement on social media by a lot of people, especially young people in tech about Web 3.0 and how Web 3.0 is here to stay and is going to revolutionize the entire internet and web as we know it. But what is Web 3.0? Is it a future reality or a present one? What is the difference between web 3.0 and what we have now? What are the pros and cons of web 3.0? In this article we would look briefly at Web 3.0 and try to relate it with Zoho technologies as well as other technologies to provide a basic understanding of the topic.

So What is Web 3.0?

Web 3.0 is the third generation of internet services for websites and applications that will focus on using a machine-based understanding of data to provide data-driven and Semantic Web. The ultimate goal of Web 3.0 is to create more intelligent, connected and open websites. 

Communication technology has evolved over the years as we have passed from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 and now we are already making a bolt towards web 3.0. The internet stands at the core of modern civilization, it brings regular and business communication to a superior level. 

In order to properly understand Web 3.0 we must first understand Web 1.0 and Web 2.0.
Web 1.0 is the first generation of internet services. It entered the communication field as the ‘read-only web’; you could only search for websites and read them. The websites were built using static HTML pages (Hyper Text Markup Language) that only had the ability to display information. 

Web 2.0 is the second generation of internet services (World Wide Web) and is a more interactive form of the internet which started in the late 90s and early 2000s. It initially started by using Flash to help with design, allowing developers to create various websites that contained complex media like web applications, all kinds of games, videos etc. As more designers and developers realized the benefits of Web Standards, HTML5 and CSS3 websites started replacing Flash-driven websites. So now, in Web 2.0 we get to use the internet at its full capacity across different devices.

As the internet evolved, scientists started to look forward to what the web could become. The first concept related to Web 3.0 comes from Berners-Lee in 1999 as the ‘Semantic web’. By semantic web we mean that it (the web) should be able to analyze all the data on the internet, allowing machines to handle many tasks without human intervention. 

5 characteristics of Web 3.0:
1. Semantic Web – Web 3.0 goes beyond focusing on keywords and numeric values so that it understands content like photo, video, or audio and more complex associations between products, locations, and specific behaviors.

2. Artificial intelligence – Artificial intelligence (AI) software is able to decrypt natural language and understand intention. It can also recognize real from fake and provide more reliable data.

3. 3D Graphics – The third generation of the internet should integrate the use of 3D graphics and VR technologies to provide results regarding real-life places, diverse products, and objects of interest.

4. Connectivity – Within web 3.0, information is more connected through semantic metadata, leveraging all the available information.

5. Ubiquity – Data silos are eliminated. Every device should be connected to the network and content operable by different applications.

It (Web 3.0) is also to be a decentralized web. Web 3.0 is envisioned by the block chain community to be decentralized and possess the 5 characteristics mentioned above. Currently, the closest block chain platform to web 3.0 is considered to be the Ethereum platform.

Are we in Web 3.0?
Big tech companies are already implementing software that can analyze complex data and associate diverse parameters. We now have a very social and interactive web which makes people wonder if or not we are in web 3.0; however, we haven’t officially left Web 2.0, but we are getting close.

Cons of Web 3.0?

  1. Web 3.0 will be inaccessible to less advanced gadgets.
  2. Web 1.0 sites will seem much older.
  3. Regulating is difficult. Decentralization, according to some experts, may make it more difficult to oversee and regulate Web 3.0 enterprises. Venture capitalists and financiers will own it. Control might still be centralized as a result of this.
  4. It is not yet fully prepared by technology.
  5. More time will be spent on the internet.
  6. It is necessary to have privacy policies. 

To Summarize Web 3.0 represents the next generation of internet services and is a decentralized internet to be run on block chain technology to keep your information safe and secure.

Where do Zoho technologies come in?
Zoho has technologies and Software’s which have gotten ready for Web 3.0 and its decentralized system. Among such technologies include: Zoho Deluge (scripting language for creator), Cliq (Zoho Cliq simplifies your team communication with organized conversations, easy-to-find information, and connections to the tools you love.) Creator (Low-code platform for development), Catalyst (Server less platform for development) and it is currently looking for active knowledgeable Web 3.0 and block chain developers.

The JavaScript (a programming language) ecosystem already has a library for block chain development called Ether Js. and other programming languages and systems have gradually started preparing to update its libraries and functionalities in order to be able to develop Web 3.0 applications and Zoho technologies is not left out. 

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